
Write Invisible has a set of goals for 2022 and beyond. This page summarises the main goals for 2022. Please add your suggestions by filling out this form.

βœ… – Done ⭐ – Next 🚧 – Work In Progress πŸ›‘ – Not started πŸ’‘ – Idea not yet started

✍🏽 -Top Three Priorities πŸ“… – Scheduled

List Till End 2022


Offer writers the option to bypass storing writing online. ⭐ ✍🏽 πŸ“…

Encrypt all writing 🚧 πŸ“…

Writing Labs

Create prompts for marketing pages (e.g. sales, about) 🚧 ✍🏽✍🏽 πŸ“…

Introduce timers for forms 🚧

Introduce word countdown 🚧

Improve email reminder system 🚧 ✍🏽✍🏽✍🏽 πŸ“…


Establish a community space on either Telegram or Discord 🚧 πŸ“…

Schedule for 2022 for community sprints πŸ›‘ πŸ“…

Cross Platform

Investigate a cross platform app πŸ’‘ (No promises)

Other features

Dark Mode 🚧

Work Schedule

December 2022

Offer writers the option to bypass storing writing online. ⭐ ✍🏽

Create prompts for marketing pages (e.g. sales, about) 🚧 ✍🏽✍🏽

Improve email reminder system 🚧 ✍🏽✍🏽✍🏽

January 2022

Establish a community space on either Telegram or Discord 🚧

Schedule for 2022 for community sprints πŸ›‘

Encrypt all writing 🚧