Write Like No One Is Looking

(especially your inner critic)

*Productivity gurus call it “flow”. Artist and coders call it “in the zone”. Writers speak of “words flowing off the page”. Your inner critic makes this difficult. Write Invisible removes opportunities to self-correct your writing while you draft.

Write more confidently

Write Invisible hacks the traditional online writing space by removing the ability to see what you writing. That means you do not get in the way of your best writing with needless hesitancy and indecision.

Productivity people call that a “flow state”, coders speak of being “in the zone” and writers speak of “words falling out of the page”. Write Invisible

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Quicker First Drafts

Writing without seeing what you are writing can feel a little weird in the beginning. All your writing is safe with a copy being saved to your private profile and a copy emailed to you.


You are editing a draft. Not twiddling with a blank page.  Try for yourself

Write Everyday

Write Invisible has a beta points system and a calendar to motivate you to write everyday. We even have email reminders, and will be hosting community events to write with others.

mobile wrting app with streaks - write invisible